Tarot Jotería
Joteria Virtual Tarot platica @ AJAAS Fall 2023 Virtual Symposium
📣 Register for event via zoom. Meeting ID 962 5834 1681
Virtual AJAAS Conference Information Meeting
Are you interested in submitting a proposal but don’t have experience writing conference papers? Want to bounce ideas or want to hear more about the conference? Want some allocated time to write your proposal with others? Join us for this virtual meeting to connect with AJAAS

Jotería Studies: Research Roundtable
In this plática, Jotería scholars discussed past, current, and forthcoming research and publications related to Jotería Studies.
Panelists included Dr. Anita Tijerina Revilla from CSU Los Angeles, Dr. Daniel Enrique Pérez from University of Nevada, Reno, Dr. Eddy Alvarez from CSU Fullerton, and Dr. Lydia Huerta Moreno from University of Nevada. Moderated by Roberto C. Orozco.
A recording of this symposium was archived. You can access it here.

Activismo Inmigrante Trans: State of Immigrant Transtivism
An an online discussion on the state of Jotería Trans activism across fronteras. Our panelists will share how they came to fiercely engage artivism and abolitionist community defense. They will also discuss the state of political activism in different regions from Arizona, to Arkansas, to Atlanta and beyond.
Featuring: Karolina López, Organizer and Executive Director of Mariposas Sin Fronteras in Arizona, Rumba Yambú, Organizer and Executive Director of InTRANSitive in Arkansas, and Li An Sánchez, Executive Director of Community Estrella in Atlanta.

Art and Activism in Times of Crisis
In this talk, Julio Salgado explores immigration, queerness, and the mainstream media representation of people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community. He underscores the power of creativity and the important role of artivisim in social movements. He shows how to use art to confront xenophobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other societal ills. The lecture is a visual journey that examines the work he has created and collaborations he has been part of to facilitate social transformation.